TrueLight's core beliefs are outlined in the following key points:
- The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God.
- The Godhead exists eternally in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - who are one God.
- The Lord Jesus Christ is the divine, incarnate Son of God.
- The Holy Spirit is a divine Person who indwells and empowers believers.
- Humanity is fallen and spiritually dead, requiring spiritual rebirth through the Holy Spirit for salvation.
- Jesus Christ's death on the cross was a substitutionary, propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the world.
- Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.
- Salvation is by faith alone in Christ, who then comes to indwell and empower the believer.
- The Church is the body of all true believers in Christ, united by the Holy Spirit.
- Believers are called to live separated, holy lives that do not cause others to stumble.
- The supreme mission is to evangelize the world, especially children.
- Christ will personally return, which is the "Blessed Hope" of believers.
- At death, believers go immediately to be with Christ, awaiting the resurrection.
- The lost will face eternal, conscious punishment.
- Satan is a real, personal being who opposes God.