Small group bible study
Sunday school is another name for small group bible studies on Sunday mornings. Sharon has Sunday School opportunities for the whole family, starting from our new-born nursery to classes for senior adults. This is a great time to develop lasting friendships while studying the depths of God's Word.
Adult classes
- Adult I - Teachers: Lisa Smith, Philip Butler, Pat Jones
- Salt Shakers - Teachers: Randall Cox & David Hooper
student classes (from 6th -12th Grade)
- Youth Sunday School - Teachers: Becca Isley, Tiffany Huskey, Jenny Coe, Britany Butler
children's classes (1st - 5th Grade)
- Children's Sunday School - Teachers: Kimberly Moore & Shirley French
preschool classes (age 3-5)
- Sunday Preschool - Teachers: Libby Isley, Kathy Martin, Kim Cox
- Nursery - Coordinator: Beverly Brosnick, Assistant Coordinator: Libby Isley
(Nursery during Sunday School is available as needed. If you'd like to request nursery support ahead of time, please contact the church office at 336-951-2990.